
Showing posts from March, 2021

(DOWNLOAD) "Obesidad infantil en contextos escolares" by Andrea Liliana Ortiz Gonzalez & Otros autores # eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Obesidad infantil en contextos escolares Author : Andrea Liliana Ortiz Gonzalez & Otros autores Release Date : January 07, 2020 Genre: Computers,Books,Computers & Internet,Reference, Pages : * pages Size : 3314 KB Description Este libro permite identificar programas , políticas y estrategias para que rectores , directivos , educadores puedan diseñar programas o alternativas para prevenir el sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil y promover escuelas saludables en Colegios , jardines infantiles que , desde la promoción de la salud , cultiven el bienestar y calidad de vida dentro de las escuelas , la comunidad educativa y las familias. Mediante los capítulos, el lector identificará cómo los programas dentro de los currículos , pueden potenciar el desarrollo saludable en los colegios, familias y otras instituciones educativas Free PDF Download "Obesidad infantil en contextos escolares" Online ePub Kindle

[Download] "Numerical Techniques for Chemical and Biological Engineers Using MATLAB®" by Said S.E.H. Elnashaie & Frank Uhlig " Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Numerical Techniques for Chemical and Biological Engineers Using MATLAB® Author : Said S.E.H. Elnashaie & Frank Uhlig Release Date : January 12, 2007 Genre: Mathematics,Books,Science & Nature,Chemistry,Computers & Internet,Computers,Professional & Technical,Engineering, Pages : * pages Size : 28156 KB Description This is a textbook for undergraduate students of chemical and biological engineering. It is also useful for graduate students, professional engineers and numerical analysts. All reactive chemical and biological processes are highly nonlinear allowing for multiple steady states. This book addresses the bifurcation characteristics of chemical and biological processes as the general case and treats systems with a unique steady state as special cases. It uses a system approach which is the most efficient for knowledge organization and transfer. The book develops mathematical models for many commercial process...

(Download) "Numerical Simulations of Coupled Problems in Engineering" by Sergio R. Idelsohn # Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Numerical Simulations of Coupled Problems in Engineering Author : Sergio R. Idelsohn Release Date : January 09, 2014 Genre: Mechanical Engineering,Textbooks,Engineering,Books,Computers & Internet,Computers,Science & Nature,Physics,Professional & Technical,Engineering, Pages : * pages Size : 15637 KB Description This book presents and discusses mathematical models, numerical methods and computational techniques used for solving coupled problems in science and engineering. It takes a step forward in the formulation and solution of real-life problems with a multidisciplinary vision, accounting for all of the complex couplings involved in the physical description. Simulation of multifaceted physics problems is a common task in applied research and industry. Often a suitable solver is built by connecting together several single-aspect solvers into a network. In this book, research in various fields was selected for consi...

(Download) "Numerical Validation in Current Hardware Architectures" by Annie A.M. Cuyt, Walter Kramer, Wolfram Luther & Peter Markstein # Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Numerical Validation in Current Hardware Architectures Author : Annie A.M. Cuyt, Walter Kramer, Wolfram Luther & Peter Markstein Release Date : January 28, 2009 Genre: Computers,Books,Computers & Internet, Pages : * pages Size : 6508 KB Description This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar 08021 on Numerical Validation in Current Hardware Architectures held at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, in January 2008. The 16 revised full papers presented were selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvements. The papers are organized in topical sections on languages, software systems and tools, new verification techniques based on interval arithmetic, applications in science and engineering, and novel approaches to verification. Free PDF Books "Numerical Validation in Current Hardware Architectures" Online ePub Kindle

(DOWNLOAD) "O Algoritmo Mestre" by Pedro Domingos # eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: O Algoritmo Mestre Author : Pedro Domingos Release Date : January 23, 2017 Genre: Computers,Books,Computers & Internet, Pages : * pages Size : 5622 KB Description Cada vez mais os algoritmos controlam nossas vidas. Eles encontram livros, filmes, empregos e compromissos amorosos para nós, gerenciam nossos investimentos e descobrem novos medicamentos. Gradualmente, esses algoritmos estão começando a operar por aprendizado a partir de trilhas de dados que deixamos em nosso recente mundo digital. Como crianças curiosas, eles nos observam, imitam e fazem experimentos. E nos principais laboratórios de pesquisa e universidades do mundo começou a corrida pela invenção do algoritmo de aprendizado definitivo: aquele que será capaz de aprender qualquer tipo de conhecimento a partir de dados e fazer o que quisermos, sem precisarmos pedir. Machine learning é a automação da descoberta – o método científico com esteroides – que pe...

(Download) "O Cultivo Espiritual em Tempos de Conectividade" by Francisco Galvão # eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: O Cultivo Espiritual em Tempos de Conectividade Author : Francisco Galvão Release Date : January 21, 2019 Genre: Religion & Spirituality,Books,Computers & Internet,Internet, Pages : * pages Size : 13841 KB Description Escrito entre a agitação de São Paulo e o silêncio de Medellín, este é um livro para quem vive o descompasso da pressa e deseja reconectar-se consigo mesmo. É um despretensioso convite à busca de sentido e harmonia em um mundo marcado por sofrimento e angústia. Um livro para todos aqueles que – professando ou não uma religião – continuam ávidos de sabedoria, compaixão e transcendência. Não é um livro apenas para mentes conectadas à internet, mas também para mentes conectadas aos excessos da vida contemporânea. É um livro sobre pausa e silêncio, mas também sobre contentamento e vida feliz. Download Ebook "O Cultivo Espiritual em Tempos de Conectividade" PDF ePub Kindle

[Download] "Numpy Simply In Depth" by Ravi & Ajit # Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Numpy Simply In Depth Author : Ravi & Ajit Release Date : January 29, 2020 Genre: Computers,Books,Computers & Internet, Pages : * pages Size : 1462 KB Description This book covers Python mathematical library NumPy in detail. NumPy (short for Numerical Python) provides an efficient interface to store and operate on dense data buffers. In some ways, NumPy arrays are like Python's built-in list type, but NumPy arrays provide much more efficient storage and data operations as the arrays grow larger in size. NumPy arrays form the core of nearly the entire ecosystem of data science tools in Python, so time spent learning to use NumPy effectively will be valuable no matter what aspect of data science interests you. Free PDF Books "Numpy Simply In Depth" Online ePub Kindle

[DOWNLOAD] "Numerik linearer Gleichungssysteme: Direkte und iterative Verfahren" by Christian Kanzow " Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Numerik linearer Gleichungssysteme: Direkte und iterative Verfahren Author : Christian Kanzow Release Date : January 03, 2007 Genre: Mathematics,Books,Science & Nature,Earth Sciences,Chemistry,Computers & Internet,Computers, Pages : * pages Size : 7606 KB Description Dieses Buch gibt eine umfassende Darstellung der wichtigsten Verfahren zur numerischen Lösung von linearen Gleichungssystemen. Es benötigt zum Verständnis nur sehr geringe mathematische Vorkenntnisse, wie sie meist schon nach einem einsemestrigen Kurs in einem mathematischen oder ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengang vorliegen. Aus diesem Grunde wendet sich das Buch nicht nur an Studierende der Mathematik, Wirtschaftsmathematik oder Technomathematik, sondern auch an den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaftler, der in vielen praktischen Anwendungen mit der Lösung von linearen Gleichungssystemen konfrontiert wird. Inhaltlich beschäftigt sich das Buch sowohl...

(Download) "Nxtera" by eCube Systems ~ eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Nxtera Author : eCube Systems Release Date : January 23, 2011 Genre: Computers,Books,Computers & Internet, Pages : * pages Size : 8861 KB Description NXTera Client Developer's Guide provides examples and information on developing clients to access NXTera servers including Java, PowerBuilder, VB, Delphi, Jython and .Net. Download Books "Nxtera" PDF ePub Kindle

[DOWNLOAD] "Nutzergenerierte Inhalte als Gegenstand des Privatrechts" by Henning Große Ruse-Khan, Nadine Klass & Silke von Lewinski # eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

📘 Read Now     📥 Download eBook details Title: Nutzergenerierte Inhalte als Gegenstand des Privatrechts Author : Henning Große Ruse-Khan, Nadine Klass & Silke von Lewinski Release Date : January 05, 2010 Genre: Law,Books,Professional & Technical,Computers & Internet,Computers, Pages : * pages Size : 1079 KB Description Das Phänomen der nutzergenerierten Inhalte, erlangt immer stärkere Bedeutung und stellt das Recht täglich vor neue Herausforderungen. Es umfasst nicht nur Blogs, Wikis und Videoportale wie YouTube und MyVideo, sondern auch soziale Netzwerke wie MySpace sowie andere Plattformen, in denen Nutzer interagieren und/oder kollektiv Inhalte schaffen und somit zunehmend die Rolle des passiven Rezipienten verlassen und zum Produzenten ihrer eigenen Beiträge werden. Der „Prosument“ hat also die Bühne betreten und er hat eine Menge juristischer Probleme und Fragen in seinem Gepäck, denn das veränderte Nutzerverhalten und die neuartigen Rahmenbedingungen bei d...